Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

LT Entertainment Co., Ltd. (the “Dream tower Casino” or the “Company”) regards personal information of the users and has established the following privacy policy to ensure that the personal information, rights and interest of the users are protected and the user’s inconvenience and complaint are be smoothly handled. Dream tower Casino informs concerns the purpose and way of using the personal information provided by user through this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy’) and the measures to be taken for protecting the information. Upon revision of the Public Policy, the Company will make a public notice through bulletin board (or individual notice) on its website.

* This policy will be executed from Dec 1, 2024

This is the public policy of Jeju Dream tower Casino website.

1. Purpose of personal information processing
2. Items, purpose and retention period of the collected personal information
3. Matters on 3rd party provision of personal information
4. Matters on consignment of personal information processing
5. Right and obligation of information owner
6. Scope of personal information collection
7. Destruction of personal information
8. Safety and protective measures for personal information
9. Matters on the right, obligation of information owner including right to request for access, correction, deletion and processing suspension and other way of exercising the right
10. Matters on person responsible for protecting personal information
11. Request for access to personal information
12. Way of relieving infringement on the right and interest of information owner
13. Obligation to make and deliver a notice
14. Matters on modification of privacy policy

1.Purpose of personal information processing

“Dream tower Casino” makes personal information processing for the following purposes. Personal information in processing will not be used for other purposes than the followings and, otherwise, if the purposes of use change, Dream tower Casino will take necessary measures including obtaining a separate consent as prescribed in Article 18 of the “Privacy Protection Act.”

Item Purpose of use
Member management service Membership and management of casino members, person verification and certification for providing casino membership services, credit worth evaluation, maintenance and management of membership qualifications, prevention of wrongful service use, verification of casino user qualification, guess room reservation management, guides on provision of casino membership benefits, various notice, customer due diligent and notice and complaint handling.
Utilization in marketing and advertisement Provision of casino membership services, sending of casino membership card and users agreement, provision of customized services, guides on marketing and promotion and person verification
Handling of complaint Contacting and giving notice for confirming casino member identity, complaints, facts and treatment result
2.Items, purpose and retention period of personal information processing

1) Dream tower Casino make a processing for the following personal information without consent of information owner:

Legal basis personal information Items to be collected Purpose of collection Retention period
Article 15 (1) 4 (Execution of Agreement) of the personal information Protection Act Name, gender, birth date, contact information, photo, address, nationality, alien registration number, qualification for staying and residence report number, Passport info (No., etc.???) Casino membership Confirmation of casino admission qualification Maintenance and management of membership qualification Money exchange , provide members customer services, promotions, evaluate and provide members benefits 10 years after membership termination
Article 15 (1) 2 (Special Provisions of Laws) of the personal information Protection Act
Articles 5-2 and 5-4 of the Specific Financial Information Act
Articles 38 (Person Verification) and 42 (Scope of Additional Information for Verification) of the Operational Regulations on Money Laundering Prevention and Public Intimidation Finance Prohibition
Name, birth date, unique identifier (passport number, alien registration number, issuance date, expiration date, and serial number), ID card, fund source, trade purpose, occupation and nationality Proceeding of real-name confirmation certification through verification of ID card authenticity Fulfilling of customer verification obligation Carrying out of checking any unlawful asset hiding, money laundering and financing for public intimidation 10 years after membership termination

2) Dream tower Casino carries out processing the following personal information in accordance with Articles 15 (1) 1 and 22(1) 7 of the personal information Protection Act with consent of information owner:

personal information Items to be collected Purpose of collection Retention period
Name, contact information, and email [Ilhwang2] Provision of membership benefit information Until membership termination

3) Dream tower Casino retains personal information as follows under the Commercial Act:

Applicable laws and regulations Items retained Retention period
Commercial Act Material documents regarding commercial book and business 10 years after membership termination
3.Matters on 3rd party provision of personal information

Dream tower Casino does not provide any 3rd party with personal information collected and retained at any time without consent of
the user (how to show the user agreed? – sign different term and conditions?): Provided that, if the case falls under any of the followings, Dream tower Casino may share personal information without consent of the member under applicable laws:
1) When it is necessary for service provision including airline ticket and guest room reservation and point use;
2) When it is necessary to evaluate the user’s credit worth to for credit issuing purposes
3) When it is personal information necessary for statistics, academic research and market survey to the extent that this personal information is in the form in which certain individual is not identified;
4) When it is required for crime investigation by the laws or in legal process and method by crime investigation agencies;
5) When entrance to casino is prohibited by the laws

4.Matters on consignment of personal information processing

In entering into a consignment agreement and under Article 25 of the personal information Protection Act, Dream tower Casino clearly sets forth in the documents including an agreement prohibition of personal information processing for other purpose than carrying out the consignment business, technical and managerial protective measures, restrictions on sub-consignment, and responsibility of management, supervision and damage compensation regarding consignee, collects a “declaration for safety of personal information treatment consignment (provision) agreement” as internal management plan, conducts management, supervision and audit on a regular basis to ensure that the consignee safely handle the personal information, and, upon changes in the details of consignment business or consignee, will disclose it through this Privacy Policy without delay.

In carrying out the services, Dream tower Casino consigns and operates personal information processing business to external company specialized the processing as follows: --- Do we have to list the 3rd party’s names?? – for example, for air tickets (for players), we might book tickets from a website, we might also book hotel rooms in other hotels.

Consignee Personal information items to be consigned Consigned business
Grand Hyatt Jeju Name, position, address, nationality, member ID, member level, birth date, telephone number, and point balance Guest room reservation, point use and discount provision
Lotte Tour Development Co., Ltd. Name, member ID, gender, passport number, issuance date and expiration date of passport, country issuing passport, birth date, and telephone number Airline ticket reservation
SKYE MEDIA 姓名,会员ID,护照号,Name, member ID, passport number, member level and telephone number, point balance and description of compensation Customer service for point use
EMMA Member ID, and contact information SMS text message service
KT Member ID, and contact information SMS text message service
5.Right and obligation of information owner

Members may access to their personal information at any time.
• Request for personal information access
• Request for correction of registered personal information
• Request for deletion
• Request for membership withdrawal
2) A member may directly visit Lotte Tour Club located in Jeju Dream Tower. These requests will be processed according LTE’s privacy policy
• Lotte Tour Club hotline: +82 64 795 9999

The activities as described above may be carried out by a legal representative or an authorized staff and, in this case, a power of attorney must be submitted in a form as described in Article 11 of the “Enforcement Regulations of the personal information Protection Act.”

6.Scope of personal information collection

1) Scope of personal information collection
• Dream tower Casino collects personal information for the purpose of member service provision and customer due diligence.
• Dream tower Casino does not collect any sensitive personal information (example: race and ethnicity, thought and belief, political inclination, crime record, health condition and sexual orientation)
• Dream tower Casino may process collected personal information for the purpose of statistics, scientific research and public record-keeping through false-name information (the “False-Name Information”) to ensure that certain individuals will not be identified.
2) Way to collect personal information
• Dream tower Casino collects personal information from written membership applications and participation in promotional events.

7.Destruction of personal information

1) Membership application forms are stored until membership withdrawal, and personal information is deleted immediately after the period specified in the personal information processing items, processing purpose, and retention period has passed.
2) If consented by information owner during the personal information retention period or necessary to continue to retain under other applicable laws and regulations even after achieving the purpose of personal information processing, the personal information will be displaced into other database (DB) or kept in a separate storage place.
3) The process and method of personal information destruction are as follows:
Destruction process- Company selects personal information to be discarded and discards it after obtaining approval of person in charge.
The company will take the following ways to destruct the personal information:
i. Hard copy personal information: will be discarded with a shredder.
ii. personal information stored in electronic file: will be discarded by using technical method to ensure that the record therein will not be regenerated.

8.Safety and protective measures for personal information

Dream tower Casino takes technical, managerial and physical measures necessary for securing safety as prescribed in Article 29 of the personal information Protection is follows:

1) Establishment and execution of internal management plan
Dream tower Casino establishes and executes an internal management plan for personal information in accordance with the ‘Guidelines for securing safety of personal information’.
2) Education for minimizing the number of designated persons in charge of personal information processing
The minimum number of persons in charge of personal information processing is designated and regular education is provided for it.
3) Restriction on access to personal information
Company controls any access to personal information through authorization to, modification and cancellation of access to database system making personal information processing and controls unauthorized access from outside by using a firewall or invasion prevention system.
4) Retention and falsification/ alteration prevention of access record
Company retains and manages any access record to personal information processing system for not less 6 months and uses security function to ensure that the access record is not be falsified, altered, stolen or lost.
5) Personal information encoding
The password out of users’ personal information is stored and managed after one-way encoding and only certain user may know. Important data is managed by using a separate security function including use of file and transmitted data encoding and file locking feature.
6) Technical measures against hacking
For prevention of any leakage and damage of personal information caused by hacking or computer virus, LT Casino installs security programs, makes regular updates and inspections, installs the system in a control area where an external access is restricted, and technically and physically monitors and block any external access.
7) Access control against unauthorized person
Company secures a separate physical storage place for personal information system containing personal information, establishes and operates an access control process for this.
8) Conducting regular self-auditing
Company conducts self-auditing on a regular basis to secure a safety regarding personal information processing.
9) Use of locking device for document security
Company keeps any document and other media containing personal information in a safe place with locking device.

9.Matters on the right, obligation of information owner including right to request for access, correction, deletion and processing suspension and other way of exercising the right

Users may exercise the following rights as an information owner (or a legal representative of that owner)
1) Request for access to personal information
2) Request for correction and deletion of personal information
3) Request for suspension of personal information processing
The rights as described above may be exercised through written documentation, email, and fax after documentation in a form as described in the “Enforcement Regulations of the personal information Protection Act” and the Company will take measures thereto without delay. If any information owner’s requests for correction or deletion of any error in personal information, the Company will not use or provide that personal information until that correction or deletion is completed. Any request for suspension of personal information access and processing may make the right of information owner restricted as described in Articles 35 (5) and 37 (2) of the personal information Protection Act. Request for correction and deletion of personal information may not be made if the personal information is to be collected as clearly described in other applicable laws and regulations. Upon request for access, correction, deletion and processing suspension as a right of information owner, the Company will check whether the person making this request is the information owner him/herself or other authorized person representing the information owner.

Any exercise of the right as described above may be made through the legal representative or other authorized person of the information owner. In such event, the legal representative or other authorized person must submit a power of attorney in the form as described in the Schedule No.11 of the “Enforcement Regulations of the personal information Protection Act.”

10.Matters on person responsible for protecting personal information

Any information owner may make an inquiry to the person responsible for and department in charge of personal information regarding all personal information related questions, civil complaint treatment and damage relief generated while using Dream tower Casino. In response, Dream tower Casino will make a response and handle the inquiry without delay.

Person Responsible for personal information
NameSanghoon Bang
DeptHuman resources department
11.Request for access to personal information

Under Article 35 of the personal information Protection Act, the information owner may visit Dream tower Casino and request for access to personal information.
• Name of Dept.: Casino Marketing
• Person in charge: Betty Kit Yu Wong
• Tel.: +82-64-795-8109

12.Way of relieving infringement on the right and interest of information owner

For obtaining a relief from personal information infringement, an information owner may file an application for dispute resolution or consultation with the personal information Dispute Mediation Committee, personal information Infringement Report Center of the Korea Internet & Security Agency. For other report of personal information infringement and consultation, please contact the following agencies:
• Personal information Dispute Mediation Committee: 1833-6972 (
• Cyber Crime Investigation Team of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office: (without local code) 1301 (
• Cyber Terror Response Center of the National Police Agency: (without local code) 182 (http://
• Report Center of Personal Data Infringement: (without local code) 118(

13.Obligation of notice

Upon addition, deletion and modification of this policy due to enactment and revision of laws, changes in government policies, LTE’s internal policy or security technologies, the Company will make a fast public notice on LTE’s website.

14.Obligation to make and deliver a notice

This Privacy Policy applies from the execution date and, upon addition, deletion and correction to this Privacy Policy due to applicable laws, regulations and policy, the Company will make a public notice of modification reason and description through this bulletin board of Dream tower Casino homepage.

Public notice date: June 11, 2021
Execution date: June 11, 2022
Modification date: Dec 1, 2024

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